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All about remote work

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Being able to travel the world with your laptop bag over your shoulder is a dream to some, but if you could explore the wondrous places, and be the local for a day; seeing, hearing, feeling, and smelling the best of these cities, would you take the plunge?

So if you have been hearing about remote work and don’t know what it embodies, how to begin the process, what programs are offered, who is the service for, how safe is the idea or some common misconceptions related to working remotely, we will go through the subheadings and get you started on remote work.


What is Remote Work?

As the name suggests, working in an environment other than your office is remote work. This culture is gradually garnering interest, among the working class millennium and Gen Z who feel the office or a 9 to 5 job is restricting their opportunity to grow and see the world.

So, rather than lose your job due to your love for traveling, you can choose remote work. This way you keep your job and travel the world. Remote work had been the dream of plenty of people, and now this idea is becoming a reality.

If you are among the many that are used to saying , “I can’t leave my job for a vacation” or “My boss won’t give me the time off”, now with LiliWork you can start saying, “ I work remotely now” or “ I will be in Spain next month for a work seminar”.

This is the confidence that LiliWork remote work company is installing in millions of people, actualizing job flexibility in the lives of millions of people across the world.


What does Remote Work Embody?

Remote work is a lifestyle that gives working-class professionals the chance of interacting with other people in their niche, this relationship enables them to share ideas, improve on old ideas, and gets a new and better perspective on a problem and to develop a sustainable solution that will enable successful execution of the project or task at hand.

The best part of this process is it happens outside a regular office and atmosphere that allows the individual involved to showcase their talents, skills, and potentials to the fullest.

Furthermore, it gives them a new platform and resets their usual narrative of how work is defined or is suppose to be.


How does Remote work actually Work?

Dashing off to your favorite location to relax while you work is not remote work. Don’t confuse it with remote work. People who decide to take a plunge into remote work are currently employed to an organization or enterprise, or run a business that allows them to take that trip, but what the freedom of pursuing their dream without losing their jobs.

It is a process that enables you to reset your life, career, and relationship with yourself and others. Most remote workers are required to choose a program or package that will take them away from the office for the duration; working, and touring the countries on continents of their choice.

This doesn’t mean these workers don’t get in touch with their various offices, they do, but they do so from amazing locations around the world with the locals chatting in the background instead of the conventional sitting around the board room mahogany table as the projectile is played and the secretary takes the minute.


What are the Products on a Remote Work Package?

LiliWork is a remote work company that is offering interested individuals who love the idea of the choice between two packages with different time frames.

The two packages are 4 months 4 countries through the continent of Europe, and the second is the 12 months, 12 countries across seven continents for an unbelievable total work/travel experience.

What does the Process Entail?

Participants that want to join LiliWork on the trip of a lifetime need to visit our website and follow the instruction detailing what to do. For this article, if you are interested, you must book your space with a down payment as every program is fully booked ahead of the time. It also enables LiliWork to make adequate preparations to make every step of the journey a success.

Our service is to take you around the world and take your job with you. How do we achieve all that so you don’t suffer the stress of traveling and working?


Planning a trip to one country is stressful, planning a trip across four or 12 countries is one stress that many people will gladly avoid. So to take the overwhelming process of planning your trip, we take charge of them every step of the way; all we want from you is ensure you are one time at the starting point.

The Accommodation

After a long flight, you will need a safe place to lay your head so that you can see the city the next day. Accommodations for remote workers are usually within city centers to give you the tourist experience of the moral fabric of each city.

Co-Working Space

These are working conditions that promote healthy working relationships increasing productivity and interaction between people from different backgrounds and cultures. The benefits of this co-working space are to create a meeting/interactive place where members of the community connect and meet the best in their industries. They are used by all members on a program and can be anyone irrespective of your career or professionalism. Whether you are a freelancer, entrepreneur, educators, or have a full-time job, you will have access to better amenities than a regular office with the opportunity to network and expand their career circle.

Extra Curriculum Activities

Yes, it is a travel experience, but you can’t forget you are also working. To ensure that members are up-to-date in their careers, programs and seminars are organized in the cities visited to increase their working experience and boost their career.


‍Now that you know what the process entails, who is the right customer?

Remote work is for anyone who works but is tired of sitting behind the office desk. For that one person that feels limited within the four walls of an office. While some people will not understand the upliftment of remote work, below are the benefits of remote work.


Do you know how many hours the ordinary worker spends commuting to and from work daily?

Almost an hour in less traffic and more when the traffic is heavy; all this commuting is absent for a remote worker.

All co-working spaces or meeting points for events and seminars are usually 30 minutes away from the accommodation place.

Remote work eliminates the long waits in the taxi, the stress, and headaches when you come home. This no commuting allows remote workers to sleep better, stress less, are happier, more energetic, spend time knowing their capabilities, and start their day healthy and creative.

A Work-Life Balance

Despite taking time off work a couple of days a week or working shorter hours or having time off during the holidays, we never have the proper work-life balance that will make our life better.

Remote work, on the other hand, allows workers to take control of their life, you decide when to work, how to work, where to work, and how long your working hours are.

It doesn’t depend on your boss, your family, or the salary at the end of the week, but you. Remote work gives you time to reflect on life, the stuff that matters, and think up better solutions to repeated problems in your life.


This is the best part of remote work and why people are subscribing to the offers that remote work communities like LiliWork. Just because you are not seated in the office for a set time doesn’t make you any less a worker. A remote worker has more time to keep an appointment, focus on their health, and give their kids a better life because they are relief and more in tune with their immediate environment. It also enables them to improve themselves, understand better, and create an exceptional opportunity for themselves.

They Are Healthier

You know that saying, get some air; it is true about remote work. It allows you to get some fresh air. It makes you healthier and happier. It makes you comfortable to be away from the arrangement of a workspace.

Renews Their Passion and Increases Creativity

The most creative people in the world don’t have offices, the universe is their workspace.

So if you want to rekindle the passion for your work and boost your creativity levels, join Liliwork on their next trip, and see the world from a different view.


And what are the Benefits of Remote Work for Employers?

While remote workers are busy seeing the world, what benefits do their employers get?

Increases Productivity

The most significant benefit that remote workers gain is when they return to the office, they are refreshed renewed and 100 percent ready to work. They are willing to put all they have learned into their job to make it better, which yields better profit for the company.

It Cuts Cost

It saves the company money – no more unnecessary allowances, paying for expensive office spaces, providing snacks, or funding for other staff bills. Remote work does require all these expenses, which are immeasurable for the company.

Workers Are Healthier and Happier

When a worker is outside doing their thing, they are happier, which is excellent for the company. Furthermore, it eliminates the close space that allows breeding of germs, spreading of infection, especially during the flu/cold seasons.

Staff Remain Longer In a Company

The 21st-century workspace is filled with the millennium and Gen Z who are more technologically inclined and are less restrictive like Baby Boomers.

With the idea of remote work, they are retained longer than jumping from one job to another looking for job flexibility and freedom.

For employers that decide on remote work programs for their staff, it is a win-win situation as the employees benefit from other working environments, and they, in turn, get productive workers.

Misconception about Remote Work

Despite the buzz about remote work, most people are still in the dark about it. They have utterly no idea and condemn the fact that a remote worker does any work.

Communication Problems

Yes, if you are an English speaking person, being in a country like Portugal, you will have some interaction problems, but that is the beauty of remote work. A new learning curve that teaches you about cultures, people, and acceptance, it doesn’t matter whether your English or native language is faulty, it affords you the time to make new friends and learn about other people, including a new language.

Remote Workers Are Never Available

Most companies that shy away from remote work and disallow their employees from engaging in remote work believe that workers don’t follow a regular office organization system hence are relaxed in their duties. While remote work gives participants the freedom of choice, they undergo rigorous training and career-boosting programs on the trips.

They Lag Behind Their Office Works

Yes, you will get carried away, seeing fascinating places, edifices, and people, but remote workers do the work too. The difference between a remote worker and the office worker is the freedom and the smell of a new environment.

So what are you waiting for, pack your bags, and visit‍

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